
Mar 17 2017
Africa GreenCo Feasibility Study
This Feasibility Study proposes and evaluates a simple, yet fundamental change to the structuring of independent power projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, and to the way in which financial and credit …
Innovative Finance Technology & Innovation
Oct 27 2016
Zombie Funds and Impact Investing
I have spent the last few weeks thinking about zombies—and not just because of Halloween. Why, you may ask? The Rockefeller Foundation is an impact investor through our portfolio of program-related …
Oct 17 2016
Building Resilience for the New Urban Agenda
As urban leaders meet in Quito this week for Habitat III, the gathering marks the 20-year anniversary of the second Habitat conference, and the 40-year anniversary of the first. In …
Aug 22 2016
Innovative Finance: Mobilizing Capital for Maximum Impact
Ending poverty and fostering sustainable development — the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — will require some $3.9 trillion annually for the next 15 years in developing countries …
Innovative Finance Technology & Innovation