
Sep 17 2017
Powering Opportunities With Energy
See firsthand the transformative power of energy access on people’s lives by viewing  “Power in Hand”: a virtual reality experience. Mobile users, click to view the virtual reality film on YouTube …
Jun 14 2017
Transforming India: The CSR Opportunity
India is one of the first countries in the world to take the bold move of requiring companies to spend a minimum portion of their net profits on social development. …
May 30 2017
Smart Power Connect May 2017
We cannot achieve significant poverty reduction without stimulating electricity consumption, which fuels income-generating activities in the modern economy. In India, about 237 million people have little or no access to …
Mar 16 2017
Promoting Holistic Development in Rural India
An estimated 83 million rural households across India still struggle for access to a dependable source of electricity, making them particularly vulnerable, as cities take precedence over “last mile” connections …