
Sep 03 2014
Remarks by Dr. Judith Rodin at SOCAP 2014
  I'm thrilled to be back at SOCAP. I last spoke here in 2012, when The Rockefeller Foundation was just preparing to celebrate our Centennial year. Now, we're still recovering from our …
Jul 22 2014
In India, Electricity is Powering Healthier Communities
Last week, we shared stories of how smart solar power, provided by The Rockefeller Foundation's Smart Power in India initiative, is jump-starting a new wave of entrepreneurial energy in Diyara Rasulpur, …
Jun 17 2014
How Electricity Changed an Island Forever
Mahendra Paswan has lived in Diyara Rasulpur, India—or, as it's known by its residents, "The Island"—for 60 years, often in almost complete darkness. For as long as he can remember, …
Sep 09 2013
Energy Revolution in Rural India
The smell of sweat and grease hangs heavy in the air. Dr. Shailendra Nath Sharan, fondly called "Bullu Ji," peers through his spectacles, nodding his head as he inspects the …
Aug 21 2013
Providing Light to the Rural Poor of India
Draped in a red sari, covering her head, Seema Devi slouches over as she stitches a handkerchief. The room she sits in is bare, softly lit by a lantern charged …
Feb 28 2013
Leveraging Telecom Towers to Address Energy Poverty in India
Sustainable energy—energy that is accessible, clean and efficient—powers human progress. Access to electricity is a key driver of change, providing improved quality of life, transformative social gains and new opportunities for long-term …