
Mar 26 2015
Four Tips for Cross-Sector Collaboration
This week, I was very honored to address the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneurship pilot program on "The Art and Science of System Change" at the Harvard Kennedy School. It's a …
Feb 25 2015
We seek solutions to the world’s great inequities at the frontiers of science, technology, and innovation
Feb 19 2015
Mining the Mindset of a Publisher
Content publishing—the production of articles, blog items, photos, and features—has become a core activity for organizations of all kinds: non-profits, think tanks, institutions, and expert practitioners with knowledge to share. These …
Feb 18 2015
How Digital Jedis Battle Big Data: A True Story
The overflow of information generated during disasters can be as paralyzing to humanitarian response efforts as the lack of information. Computers, mobile phones, social media, mainstream news, earth-based sensors, humanitarian …