
Sep 05 2014
Innovations in Finance for Social Impact
When E. H. Harriman, the President of the Southern Pacific Railroad, heard the news about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, he led the first train west to assess how the …
Sep 04 2014
Searching for the Next Big Idea: Part I
Yesterday was the first day of The Rockefeller Foundation's Social Capital Markets (SOCAP) 2014 journey. Kicking-off the day, Rockefeller Foundation president Dr. Judith Rodin took the audience through the foundation's …
Sep 03 2014
Remarks by Dr. Judith Rodin at SOCAP 2014
  I'm thrilled to be back at SOCAP. I last spoke here in 2012, when The Rockefeller Foundation was just preparing to celebrate our Centennial year. Now, we're still recovering from our …
Aug 26 2014
What Challenges Does Innovation For Global Development Face?
I recently participated in a TwitterChat hosted by KickLoans, a peer-to-peer microlending platform that works toward financial inclusion. I was joined by a variety of philanthropic organizations, small business owners, …
Aug 19 2014
Participatory Budgeting Expands in New York City
The Rockefeller Foundation would like to congratulate the Participatory Budgeting Project and Community Voices Heard for the New York City Council's expansion of the participatory budgeting process. Twenty-two city council members—almost …
Aug 08 2014
The Success of the Peterborough Social Impact Bond
Yesterday, the first results for the Peterborough social impact bond (SIB) were released and the outcomes are promising. Through a program related investment (PRI), The Rockefeller Foundation supported the Peterborough …
Aug 06 2014
Introducing the 2014 Class of Bellagio/PopTech Fellows
A version of this post also appeared on PopTech. We are pleased to announce the 2014 class of Bellagio/PopTech Fellows, a diverse group of designers, social innovators, technologists and writers with expertise in …
Aug 05 2014
What's Next for the Future of Work?
A version of this post also appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit. Around the world, ambitious, creative thinkers and doers are expanding the livelihood opportunities for populations that had been marginalised from …
Jul 29 2014
To Save Our Fisheries, We Need a New Approach
This post, co-authored by Jacqueline del Castillo and Theo Gibbs, is part of a series that illustrates the value of innovation labs in accelerating solutions to complex social problems, sharing …
Jul 24 2014
Impact Investors Dive Into Oceans
Impact investing—investment dollars designed to deliver both financial and social or environmental returns—is being used by investors to deliver social progress and secure a worthwhile economic return on their investment. The …