
Oct 23 2015
Waste Less, Feed More
African agriculture has undergone a great transformation over the last decade. Access to financing, mobile technology, and advanced farming techniques has greatly increased yields for small-holder farmers, even though there …
Sep 07 2015
Postharvest Loss: A Hidden Tax on Smallholders
Much of what I know about farming was learned growing up on a small Iowa farm. My parents devoted considerable attention to producing our crops and livestock.  However, considerable attention …
Aug 27 2015
Creating Partnerships for Resilience
Partnership is an essential feature of our work at The Rockefeller Foundation. Building resilience often requires bringing together unlikely people and organizations from across sectors to collaborate on bold and innovative …
Aug 19 2015
Tackling Post Harvest Losses on Kenya’s Hit TV Show
Christina is a maize farmer in Tanzania. Unbeknownst to her, she has been storing her maize harvest incorrectly, in holey plastic containers that often easily become weevil infested. Sadly, this …
Aug 14 2015
Similar Problems, Diverse Solutions
Last month, 17 teams working to mitigate resilience-related risks around the world submitted their solution statements for the Global Resilience Challenge (GRC), a grant competition to seek the most promising …
Jul 25 2015
Kenya, U.S. Can Help Youth Get Jobs
A version of this post also appeared in The Daily Nation. KEY TAKEAWAYS SHARE THIS When the African youth population doubles to 400 million, there will be more young people entering the workforce …