
Jul 06 2015
A Night Journey in Nigeria: Ike's Story
Late last year the Foundation launched a series of collaborations to explore the potential for online work to expand the employment landscape for young people in Africa. In Kenya and …
Jun 30 2015
The Human Experience of Post-Harvest Loss
It's no surprise that when we develop new work at The Rockefeller Foundation, we look for ways to integrate the voices of beneficiaries and stakeholders. Without taking into account their …
Jun 18 2015
Through a Human Lens: Health of Informal Workers
For years, consumer product and marketing firms have utilized user-centered product development approaches to attune their offerings to customers' needs and wants. Increasingly these human-centered design (HCD) techniques are being …
Jun 09 2015
Jobs Without Borders
A version of this post originally appeared on The World Bank blog. Around the world, the challenge of unemployment is growing by the year. According to the United Nations, the number …
May 04 2015
Exploring Innovative Solutions to Resilience Building
SHARE THIS Global Resilience Challenge finalists meet in Nairobi and Bangkok to surface innovative solutions to complex challenges. SHARE THIS "No one has all the answers." Resilience experts rely on "coopetition" to define pathways to impact. SHARE THIS Regional …
Apr 16 2015
Big Steps Towards Ghana's Digital Future
Digitization is a relatively niche topic in within information and communication technology (ICT), but the demand for digitization in the development field has grown significantly over the last few years, …