
Feb 13 2015
Awareness: A Key to Reducing Post-Harvest Loss in Africa
In December 2013, I attended a workshop organized by the Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI), a grantee in The Rockefeller Foundation's Waste and Spoilage Initiative. At one point, a workshop participant arrived …
Dec 02 2014
And the Next 35 Resilient Cities Are...
Today I was in Singapore, a city whose first 50 years has served as a model for building urban resilience, to announce the next 35 cities to join the 100 …
Nov 17 2014
A Case Study in 'Sustainable' Knowledge Management
A version of this post also appeared on Philanthropy News Digest. About a year ago, the Oceans and Fisheries team at The Rockefeller Foundation embarked on a new initiative focused on …