
Feb 25 2014
Voices of Africa: Human Capital & Development
At the launch of The Rockefeller Foundation publication Shared Journey: The Rockefeller Foundation, Human Capital and Development in Africa, Rockefeller staff, partners and grantees came together to celebrate a lasting …
Feb 24 2014
What Happens After the Olympics Leaves Town?
This post originally appeared on the 100 Resilient Cities Blog. The world’s attention has been on Sochi this month, as Russia opened its doors to the world by hosting the 2014 …
Feb 21 2014
The Financial and Social Value of Impact Sourcing
With increased focus on shared value, inclusive business, and corporate social responsibility, businesses are looking for both financial return and social impact in their own practices, and in those of …
Jan 23 2014
Tackling Youth Unemployment in Africa
Rockefeller Foundation president Judith Rodin appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to talk about our goal to tackle youth unemployment through our Digital Jobs Africa initiative. "In most countries in the world, youth …
Jan 22 2014
Realizing the Resilience Dividend
"Resilience is the ability of people, communities and institutions to prepare for, withstand, and bounce back more rapidly from acute shocks and chronic stresses." When senior leaders at a large, global …
Jan 05 2014
Key Takeaways: The Urban Resilience Summit
“Not every disruption has to become a disaster. By building resilience, cities can shift the paradigm from one of disaster response and relief to one of prevention and returns.” - …