
Dec 13 2013
mHealth Award Honors Visionary Rwandan Doctor
On Monday, the mHealth Alliance awarded Dr. Richard Gakuba of Rwanda with the inaugural Holly Ladd mHealth Pioneer Award. I was honored to present Dr. Gakuba with the award at …
Dec 09 2013
Mayors from Three Continents Talk Resilience
Officials from Medellín, Colombia; Dakar, Senegal; Oakland, California, and New Orleans, Louisina provided first-hand perspectives on both challenges and solutions to urban resilience at The Rockefeller Foundation's one-day Innovation Forum, …
Nov 17 2013
The Five Fastest Growing Cities
This post originally appeared in The Resilience Blog on November 8th, 2013. Over the last ten years, the number of people living in megacities with over 10 million people has increased …
Sep 20 2013
Video Dispatches from Africa: Innovations in Action
Innovations in farming, dairy, and seed production across the continent. Dispatches from the Field: Rwanda Farmers in Rwanda are boosting productivity through agricultural training and improved seeds and fertilizers. Dispatches from the Field: …
Sep 19 2013
A Shared Vision for Impact Sourcing
Last week, The Rockefeller Foundation hosted important stakeholders from major outsourcing destinations and a range of geographic regions (Africa, North America, Latin America, Europe, South and Southeast Asia) at its …