
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Welcome to Southwest Nigeria, year 2050. As the sweet flavors of a mango fill his senses, Dio Dakolo, a chef and culinary anthropologist, feels grateful that his tight-knit community provides all …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Restoring Nairobi to “A Place of Cool Waters”
Welcome to Nairobi, Kenya, year 2050. After Omondi wakes up, he enjoys a hot shower and gives thanks to solar energy for this luxury. His breakfast usually consists of a diverse …
Sep 04 2020
Up in the Air: The Future of International Travel
Six months ago, traveling to another country required little more than a ticket and a valid passport. Then the Covid-19 pandemic turned international travel, and most parts of life, upside …
Jul 31 2020
Inspiring Glimpses of Tomorrow's African Food Systems
Visionaries from across Africa—including Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Tanzania—responded to an invitation to imagine a more nourishing and resilient food future for 2050. The Rockefeller Foundation …
Jul 23 2020
Harambee: Coming Together to Meet the Moment
Eliud Mburu, 19, a high school freshman who lives in the outskirts of Nairobi in a single-parent household, is the primary caregiver for his two sisters in grade school, including …