
Apr 02 2014
After Polio, What's Next on India's Health Agenda
This post originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal. In January, India celebrated three years without a single case of polio. On March 27, the country is officially certified polio-free. That landmark achievement is now prompting …
Mar 27 2014
Financing Sustainable Fisheries With Impact Investments
A version of this post originally appeared on National Geographic. Impact IQ—What’s good for the fish is good for the fishing communities—and for impact investors. That’s the thesis of three new vehicles …
Mar 21 2014
Amidst Rising Water, One City Stands Resilient
In 2010, when Hat Yai experienced its worst floods in 70 years, Phubes Saechin found his store under 1.3 meters of water. As a 50-year resident of the city, Phubes …
Mar 20 2014
How Three Cities Are Solving Water Challenges
Water sustains life on Earth, but it's also one of the biggest resilience challenges of the 21st century. From rising sea levels to limited drinking water supplies, see how three …
Mar 12 2014
Three Keys for Protecting Mid-Sized Asian Cities
Today, many medium-sized Asian cities are struggling to meet important needs. Challenges like poor solid waste management, transit scarcity, and insufficient provision for water and sanitation have been exacerbated by …
Feb 24 2014
What Happens After the Olympics Leaves Town?
This post originally appeared on the 100 Resilient Cities Blog. The world’s attention has been on Sochi this month, as Russia opened its doors to the world by hosting the 2014 …