
Nov 17 2013
The Five Fastest Growing Cities
This post originally appeared in The Resilience Blog on November 8th, 2013. Over the last ten years, the number of people living in megacities with over 10 million people has increased …
Nov 04 2013
Innovative Partners: The Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand
Today, The Rockefeller Foundation releases the third book in its Centennial publications series, Innovative Partners: The Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand. For nearly a century, The Rockefeller Foundation and its Thai partners …
Oct 13 2013
Slumdog Urbanism
The following was cross-posted at “Contested Urbanism in Dharavi: Writings and Projects for the Resilient City” is a fascinating look at how some of India's – perhaps the world's – poorest …
Oct 12 2013
10 Cities That Are Leading on Climate Change
Cross posted on A juried competition recently recognized ten major cities as “climate leaders,” for the innovative approaches they are taking to act on climate change. Spanning the global North and …
Oct 11 2013
In Slums, a Postal Address is Key to Opportunity
Next Century Innovators Award Finalist Alex Pigot, founder of Addressing the Unaddressed, shares how they use innovation to empower others, how slums deeply affect social safety nets, and cities could become …