
Sep 09 2013
Energy Revolution in Rural India
The smell of sweat and grease hangs heavy in the air. Dr. Shailendra Nath Sharan, fondly called "Bullu Ji," peers through his spectacles, nodding his head as he inspects the …
Sep 03 2013
Urban Resilience in Bangkok
Bangkok is one of many appropriate locations in the world to talk about urban resilience. It has gone through a series of environmental, economic, and political shocks: the mega-flood two …
Sep 03 2013
Good For Business
Resilience isn't only a necessity for cities to withstand and bounce back from disasters. It's also good for business. In an op-ed in the Guardian yesterday, Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin …
Aug 21 2013
Providing Light to the Rural Poor of India
Draped in a red sari, covering her head, Seema Devi slouches over as she stitches a handkerchief. The room she sits in is bare, softly lit by a lantern charged …
Aug 12 2013
Jamaica Bay Points the Way
Of the 25 most densely populated counties in the United States, 23 are along a coastline. New York City has over 500 miles of coastline and, as Superstorm Sandy showed, …
Aug 08 2013
Innovation and Risk Management in Asia
The Rockefeller Foundation has been working in Asia for nearly 100 years, and has undertaken a broad portfolio of philanthropic work, with a strong historical focus on health and agriculture. …
Jul 24 2013
Leveraging Networks to Create Impact
How do innovators build networks and leverage them for impact? To answer this question, we spoke with Dr. Shelly Batra, co-founder and president of Operation ASHA, an NGO based in …
Jul 23 2013
Thailand: Our Partner in Public Health Innovation
The Rockefeller Foundation recently partnered with the Ministry of Public Health and Siriraj Hospital to co-organize the International Conference in Medicine and Public Health (ICMPH) from June 24-28, 2013 in …
Jul 09 2013
Building Resilient Cities
Much of the Rockefeller Foundation’s in-depth learning on resilience has come from our Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network, also known as ACCCRN, which supports city-wide strategies, and specific investments …