
Oct 28 2020
Sowing the Seeds for a Better Food Future in Asia
Covid-19 has reminded humanity of the critical importance of a strong and functioning food system. With a quarter of a billion people facing acute hunger by the end of the year, …
Oct 26 2020
Consumption Trends | Smart Power Myanmar
Rural energy consumption in Myanmar remains largely unknown and challenging to predict, posing a significant problem for mini-grid developers. Equipped with a deeper understanding of historic and likely future energy …
Power Asia
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Welcome to Araku, Wardha, New Delhi, India, year 2050. Ichemma wakes up before sunrise, and after sending her two cows off to the nearby community grazing land, she packs some millet …
Oct 07 2020
Meet the Top Visionaries
Eat Right India
Welcome to India, year 2050. It’s 5 am in Dehradun in Uttarakhand, and Amit, a data scientist, is awoken to the ring of the doorbell.  A neighborhood volunteer has brought a …
Sep 24 2020
State of Global Mini-Grids Market Report 2020
From the arid plains of Myanmar’s Dry Zone to the forests of the Amazon, mini-grids are starting to play an indispensable role in the mission to connect millions of people …
Power Asia