
Dec 09 2016
Fellowships & Convenings
The Bellagio Center
For over 60 years the Center has supported many meaningful advances through its residency and convening programs and is globally renowned for fostering cross-cultural and interdisciplinary exchange
Nov 01 2016
2016: The Birth of the U.S. Food Waste Movement?
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 – which calls for halving food waste and reducing food losses globally by 2030 – may be an ambitious goal, but it’s one …
Jun 09 2016
Between the Lake and the Castle
On the top of the hill, above the Villa Serbelloni, lie the skeletal remains of a stone castle. They are gorgeous and haunting, as many ruins are. To get there, …
Jul 08 2015
When Problem Meets Solution
One of the most fascinating—and humbling!—experiences you have working for a 102-year-old institution is discovering new stories of the organization's work and impact. We recently received a visit in The …
Dec 02 2014
And the Next 35 Resilient Cities Are...
Today I was in Singapore, a city whose first 50 years has served as a model for building urban resilience, to announce the next 35 cities to join the 100 …
Nov 11 2014
The Most Important Job You Haven't Heard Of (Yet)
A version of this post also appeared on LinkedIn. "Every city has a different set of needs—but every city needs a Chief Resilience Officer. While 100 Resilient Cities is helping to …
Sep 24 2014
Addressing the UN Climate Summit
"The Rockefeller Foundation is investing more than a half-billion dollars in helping all types of communities, but cities in particular, build economic, social and climate resilience." As I mentioned in yesterday's …