
Oct 02 2019
The Aha Moment and What Follows
We all hope to have that moment when something clicks in us and our purpose is made clear. For me, it actually happened on a sweltering day in the heat of …
Sep 06 2019
Greg Johnson on Opportunity Zones
We're focused on creating and scaling Impact Through Innovation. Greg Johnson shares how data analyses can help drive private investment to benefit low-wage workers living in Opportunity Zones.
Jun 28 2019
Press Releases
Global Coalition of Cities Launches the ‘Open Mobility Foundation’
Founding Coalition Members Also Include Transportation Leaders, Technology Innovators, Micro-mobility Operators, Civic Organizations, Experts and Advocates Los Angeles – The Open Mobility Foundation (OMF) – a global coalition led by cities committed to using well-designed, …
Apr 24 2019
Ushering Government Services into the Digital Age
Our lives intersect with government services in countless ways — giving veterans access to healthcare, caring for children in foster programs, and even helping us get around using public transit. …