
Jun 15 2015
Bringing the Arts to the Conversation on Social Change
In this post, Claudia Juech, associate vice president and managing director of Strategic Research and Bellagio Programs at The Rockefeller Foundation, and Carolina Jayaram, chief executive officer of United States …
Jun 01 2015
Along Woodhaven Boulevard, Long Commutes and Low Wages
KEY TAKEAWAYS SHARE THIS Along the Woodhaven/Cross Bay bus corridor in Queens, longer commute times are associated with higher poverty levels. SHARE THIS Transportation deserts limit access to jobs, education, and health care, increasing …
May 28 2015
Dewetta & Aigner: “Your Worth is Like Gold to Me”
As we at The Rockefeller Foundation work to advance inclusive economies that expand opportunities for more broadly shared prosperity—and, specifically, address the global employment crisis—we are devoting a lot of …
May 15 2015
Isaac's Story: Clean Water and Resilience in El Paso
Editor's Note: This is the second of four in our StoryCorps "Spoken From the Heart" series. Check back next week for the next installment, which brings us to Carrollton, Georgia. Home to a …
May 05 2015
What’s So Exciting About Infrastructure?
Key Takeaways: SHARE THIS By 2030 approximately 75% of U.S. infrastructure will either need to be renovated or built from scratch. SHARE THIS Build America—announced by the White House and Rockefeller Foundation—encourages a forward-thinking …