
Jun 12 2014
5 Key Takeaways from the Shared Value Summit
In 2012, The Rockefeller Foundation's Impact Investing initiative provided a grant to support the launch of the Shared Value Initiative (SVI). Founded by FSG, SVI is a global community of …
Jun 10 2014
Co-Creators of Culture: An Update from the Field
The Rockefeller Foundation has recently commissioned an independent evaluation of our support for cultural innovation. This video on the Queens Museum—whose director was just recently appointed New York City commissioner of …
Jun 04 2014
Introducing Medellin’s Chief Resilience Officer
This post originally appeared on 100 Resilient Cities. Oscar Santiago Uribe Rocha is Medellín, Colombia's first Chief Resilience Officer (CRO)—the second CRO appointed anywhere in the world. His story is one …
May 29 2014
Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex World
This post is excerpted from a response to 'Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex World' in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). One of the most fundamental questions that program officers in foundations …
May 27 2014
Lessons I Learned on the A Train
A version of this post originally appeared on LinkedIn. When I was 22, I learned an important lesson that would deeply influence my life. And it took less than 10 minutes. I …
May 20 2014
MOOCs and the Future of Education in Latin America
Like many regions, Latin America and the Caribbean face a mismatch between what its educational system offers and the skills that are demanded by the market. A recent trend monitoring …
May 19 2014
Rockefeller Grantee Wins a Peabody Award
The Rockefeller Foundation congratulates WETA's documentary, Latino Americans, for winning the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award. As the award panel said, the series' "six fascinating installments traced a people's history that's …
May 02 2014
Tackling the Youth Employment Crisis
This post originally appeared on LivingCities. In the wake of the Great Recession, thought leaders, policymakers, activists and everyday citizens around the world are wondering about our future. In countless discussions …