
Mar 20 2014
How Three Cities Are Solving Water Challenges
Water sustains life on Earth, but it's also one of the biggest resilience challenges of the 21st century. From rising sea levels to limited drinking water supplies, see how three …
Mar 03 2014
Why More U.S. Cities Need to Embrace Bus Rapid Transit
A version of this article originally appeared on CityLab, as part of 'The Future of Transportation' series made possible with support from The Rockefeller Foundation. American cities welcomed the automobile in the …
Feb 26 2014
Powering Advanced Industries: State by State
For the past two years, The Rockefeller Foundation and the Brookings Institution have worked in partnership to advise U.S. metropolitan regions and states to develop innovative economic growth plans. The idea …
Feb 24 2014
What Happens After the Olympics Leaves Town?
This post originally appeared on the 100 Resilient Cities Blog. The world’s attention has been on Sochi this month, as Russia opened its doors to the world by hosting the 2014 …
Feb 04 2014
Welcome to the Future of Transportation
Getting from here to there in the United States today can feel a lot closer to an episode of The Flintstones than The Jetsons. Every day we deal with problems …
Jan 30 2014
New Design Approaches Address Sandy-Affected Region
Last summer, the Rockefeller Foundation announced a partnership with Rebuild by Design, an initiative of President Obama's Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force. Rebuild by Design (RBD) is an innovative process aimed …