
Aug 12 2013
Jamaica Bay Points the Way
Of the 25 most densely populated counties in the United States, 23 are along a coastline. New York City has over 500 miles of coastline and, as Superstorm Sandy showed, …
Jul 25 2013
Press Releases
Michael Berkowitz to Join The Rockefeller Foundation
NEW YORK—Dr. Judith Rodin, president of The Rockefeller Foundation, announced today that Michael Berkowitz has been appointed to the role of managing director for the Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities Centennial …
Jul 09 2013
Building Resilient Cities
Much of the Rockefeller Foundation’s in-depth learning on resilience has come from our Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network, also known as ACCCRN, which supports city-wide strategies, and specific investments …
Jun 24 2013
The City Resilient
Dr. Judith Rodin addressed the crowd of The City Resilient, an event co-hosted by the Foundation and PopTech at BAM in New York City to address how to build communities that …
Jun 24 2013
Resilience Begins at Home
Family, neighborhood and community are vital components of responding to shocks and stresses and bouncing back stronger. The importance of such community resilience is shown in the results of a …
Jun 20 2013
Rebuild by Design
In an effort to promote resilience for the Sandy-affected region, U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan, who also chairs the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force has launched …