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Two Years After Sandy: Are We More Resilient?

On the second anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, I want to highlight some recent articles that include—or were supported by—The Rockefeller Foundation.

The New York Times highlights the Rebuild By Design competition, funded by the Foundation, and the increasing focus on resilience in the rebuilding of the New York area following Superstorm Sandy:

“We will do better against the next storm,” said Judith Rodin, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation, which helped to finance the Rebuild by Design competition. “The problem is that the next disaster may be nothing like Hurricane Sandy. It could be an awful heat wave, for example, in which case what we’ve done will do little to protect us.”




The Associated Press (AP) examines post-Sandy recovery and asks whether we’re truly prepared for another superstorm:

“The region is better prepared for a storm like Sandy,” said Rockefeller Foundation President and resilience expert Judith Rodin. “I could never say that everyone is or should be satisfied with the rate of progress, but things are progressing.”




Finally, the Foundation supported a poll which unearthed a powerful connection between community and resilience:

“Neighbor helping neighbor. Trust in a community. Looking out for each other. An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey suggests that those factors—collectively termed ‘social resilience’—have a big impact on how prepared communities feel for disasters such as Superstorm Sandy, and are seen as more valuable in a crisis than even government.”



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