Jan 25 2021
Mind the Remote Learning Gap in ASEAN
As the prospect of the pandemic’s end appears in sight, however many months away it may be, it is timely to shift the focus to some of its other impacts, …
Jan 25 2021
Covid-19: A Regional Response Is Key for ASEAN
Globally, the nations of the world continue to focus inward on their response to Covid-19. The national impact of the pandemic, experience, and policy responses have dominated airwaves throughout 2020. …
Jan 19 2021
Let the Great Transition Begin
Given the scale and shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is understandable that many leaders would seek a rapid return to the status quo ante. But now that vaccines have …
Dec 21 2020
From Great Challenges, A Deeper Resolve
Dear colleagues and partners, As this year comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment to think about where we’ve been. For so many, it has been a year …