Apr 25 2013
Philanthropy as Field Builder
Last week, I discussed role of philanthropy as risk-taker — taking on the hardest parts of the work so that the private and public sectors can crowd in with their …
Apr 23 2013
Lessons From a Twitter Chat
On March 27, nearly 200 tweeps participated in the #RF100 Access to Healthy Food Twitter Chat helping to identify pressing challenges related to access to healthy food in developing world …
Apr 17 2013
Philanthropy is the Go-To Partner for Risk
Each week, in the lead up to the Rockefeller Foundation's Centennial anniversary on May 14th, Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin will reflect on the unique strengths and enduring lessons of …
Apr 09 2013
Managing Famine Risk in Africa
In a new report titled Managing Famine Risk: Linking Early Warning to Early Action, researcher Rob Bailey explains that despite economic growth in in the Horn and Sahel regions of …