Jun 09 2016
Between the Lake and the Castle
On the top of the hill, above the Villa Serbelloni, lie the skeletal remains of a stone castle. They are gorgeous and haunting, as many ruins are. To get there, …
May 25 2016
The First 100 and Beyond
For 50 years, The Rockefeller Foundation has been inspired by, and helped to catalyze, the incredible innovation, ingenuity, and opportunity of cities. But as we move deeper into the 21st …
May 20 2016
How to Explain Systems Change to a 13-Year-Old
Innovation requires bringing people and ideas together. But sometimes the way we communicate about our work can get in the way of collaboration. Eilidh is 13-year-old burgeoning expert in systems change. …
May 18 2016
Redefining the Workplace by 2025
There are currently 22 women at the helm of Fortune 500 companies with the new CEO of Progressive announced last week. Despite that good news, with women making up nearly …