Nov 09 2020
The Universal Free School Meal Experiment
Last month, the USDA extended a pandemic response program allowing public schools to serve free meals to all children for the 2020-21 school year. This unprecedented move came thanks to …
Oct 29 2020
$1 Billion for a Green and Equitable Recovery
As a doctor, every time I read the statistics, I know that this pandemic doesn’t need to be this bad for so many people. The grocery store worker who stocks …
Oct 28 2020
Sowing the Seeds for a Better Food Future in Asia
Covid-19 has reminded humanity of the critical importance of a strong and functioning food system. With a quarter of a billion people facing acute hunger by the end of the year, …
Oct 27 2020
Innovating for a Bold Future
At The Rockefeller Foundation, we’ve always tried to stay one step ahead – imagining futures that inspire bold action and making catalytic bets that can lead to long-term change. As …