Apr 29 2014
Three Solutions and One Big Question for Achieving Scale
Over the past several years, there’s been incredible growth in the number of enterprises that intentionally seek financial viability, social impact, and influence. These impact enterprises can improve the wellbeing …
Apr 23 2014
Public Transportation Shapes Where Millennials Decide to Live
KEY TAKEAWAYS SHARE THIS 54 percent of Millennial respondents would consider moving if another city had more and better transit options. SHARE THIS 47 percent of Millennials would give up their cars if their city had robust public …
Apr 23 2014
Announcing the 2014 Bellagio Creative Arts Fellows
Each year, we select three exceptional artists, whose works are both innovative and interdisciplinary, and who will contribute to and benefit from the stimulating Bellagio Center community. Today, the Bellagio …
Apr 22 2014
Crowdsourcing Ideas for Greener Cities
A version of this post originally appeared on 100 Resilient Cities. Green cities are resilient cities. We asked the 100 Resilient Cities community to share what their cities need to increase …
Apr 11 2014
10 Innovative Designs Unveiled for Post-Sandy Resilience
Last Thursday, Rebuild by Design’s ten teams presented their final Design Proposals to build resilience in communities across the Sandy-affected region. The proposals are as ambitious as they are innovative, …
Apr 10 2014
A Framework for Articulating City Resilience
In 1958, a little-known community activist named Jane Jacobs received a Rockefeller Foundation grant to expand upon her ideas about how a city should look, feel, and work. The book …