Apr 07 2014
New Innovations to Reduce Harvest Loss in Africa
Approximately one-third of food grown across the world never reaches the plates of consumers. The significant amount of food waste and spoilage occurring across the value chain threatens farmers’ livelihoods; …
Apr 04 2014
Launching the First Mobile Blood Clinic in Kenya
This Valentine’s day, The Rockefeller Foundation’s Nairobi office showed love a little differently. Staff members took part in launching Kenya’s first Mobile Blood Unit, which aims to increase the availability of …
Apr 03 2014
Impact Sourcing: The Opportunity Ahead
Microsoft and The Rockefeller Foundation recently co-convened over 30 global industry experts in Johannesburg, South Africa to discuss the future of impact sourcing. This was a follow-up meeting from the …
Apr 02 2014
After Polio, What's Next on India's Health Agenda
This post originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal. In January, India celebrated three years without a single case of polio. On March 27, the country is officially certified polio-free. That landmark achievement is now prompting …
Mar 28 2014
New DIY Toolkit for Social Innovators
Seven years ago, The Rockefeller Foundation was beginning to notice a disturbing trend: while the private sector was getting more intentional and strategic about embedding innovation into its operations, the …
Mar 27 2014
Financing Sustainable Fisheries With Impact Investments
A version of this post originally appeared on National Geographic. Impact IQ—What’s good for the fish is good for the fishing communities—and for impact investors. That’s the thesis of three new vehicles …
Mar 26 2014
How to Maximize Impact
A version of this post originally appeared on LinkedIn. "Philanthropy can take the risks that others cannot or will not."  When I took the job as the President of the Rockefeller Foundation …