Jul 03 2013
Three Trends Shaping the Future of Food Security
For decades, the Rockefeller Foundation has recognized and addressed the link between food and population, and with the inexorable growth of cities, both in terms of population and land area, …
Jun 24 2013
The City Resilient
Dr. Judith Rodin addressed the crowd of The City Resilient, an event co-hosted by the Foundation and PopTech at BAM in New York City to address how to build communities that …
Jun 24 2013
Resilience Begins at Home
Family, neighborhood and community are vital components of responding to shocks and stresses and bouncing back stronger. The importance of such community resilience is shown in the results of a …
Jun 20 2013
Rebuild by Design
In an effort to promote resilience for the Sandy-affected region, U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan, who also chairs the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force has launched …
Jun 20 2013
Global Strategy for Universal Health Coverage
A few weeks ago, I travelled to Geneva for a meeting the Rockefeller Foundation co-convened with the World Health Organization. The meeting focused on planning a global strategy for embedding …
Jun 11 2013
A Stronger, More Resilient New York
Earlier today, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today presented “A Stronger, More Resilient New York,” a comprehensive report that analyzes the city’s climate risks and outlines multi-year investments …
May 08 2013
The Transformative Power of Philanthropy
Next week, Tuesday, May 14, the Rockefeller Foundation will mark our Centennial. In the lead up to the celebration, I’ve been contributing a series of posts about what we’ve learned …
May 06 2013
Flesh-eating Cassava Virus Pushes West Across Africa
This post originally appeared on CIAT: International Center for Tropical Agriculture. Scientists are struggling to contain a flesh-eating virus sweeping across the cassava plantations of Africa, destined for the world’s biggest …
May 02 2013
Philanthropy as the Backer of Brains
Each week, in the lead up to the Rockefeller Foundation’s Centennial anniversary on May 14th, Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin will reflect on the unique strengths and enduring lessons of …