
Managing Utility Operations in the Context of Covid-19: The Enel Experience

As #Covid-19 continues to spread across the world and governments put in place increasingly restrictive measures to stop its spread, it is important that critical facilities and essential businesses are able to operate without disruption, so that hundreds of millions of people staying at home are able to stay connected and stay safe. At the heart of this mission is ensuring the continued operations of electricity systems, and particularly those of distribution system operators.

Given the trajectory of the virus, Enel has been at the epicenter of this effort longer than most. With 73 million electricity customers in 8 countries, and especially given their experience in Italy and Spain in recent months, they have a range of vital insights and expertise to share on the matter. Learn from senior Enel leaders who have been driving emergency operations in this unprecedented moment, and who are open to sharing their knowledge and insights with peer utilities facing similar challenges worldwide.

The technical webinar is presented by The Rockefeller Foundation and Enel Foundation, in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All.