
What’s at stake for equity in the AI revolution? | Trooper Sanders

Artificial intelligence is starting to rapidly change the world. How can we ensure that this change is for the better – and not, as many people fear – a danger for humanity as a whole? Trooper Sanders has worked across business, government, and philanthropy to advance solutions to critical social challenges in the United States and internationally. He served as a White House policy advisor during two administrations and worked on issues ranging from supporting military families – including setting up the public engagement campaign Joining Forces and shepherding a presidential study directive mobilizing non-defense federal agencies – to improving mental health. His Fellowship project, Silicon Main Street: Maximizing the Economic and Equal Opportunity Potential of the Digital, Data, and Automation Era, will identify opportunities for technology-related career pathways for traditionally marginalized populations in industries that are outside of the traditional technology sector. The project will also focus on forging closer ties between traditional civil rights and equal opportunity communities and newer networks shaping the economic, ethical, and social norms of the Digital Age.