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Mar 18 2024
Women on the Frontlines of Climate Adaptation
Nidhi Pant is the found of S4S Technologies, aimed at reducing food waste and carbon emissions while addressing poverty and gender inequality. Make the whole community more prosperous by ensuring women are among the climate decision-makers, she says.
Mar 18 2024
Turning Climate Challenges into Climate Solutions
Habiba Ali is the CEO of Sosai Renewable Energies Co., a Nigerian-based company providing solar solutions. She calls on investors to prioritize funding to women doing climate change work.
Feb 13 2024
CNN Academy
CNN Academy’s new climate storytelling program aims to give voice to the communities most affected by climate change. #CNNacademy
Jan 04 2024
Our Summer Associates Change the World
Whether it is reinventing food systems to eradicate hunger or ending energy poverty, we are excited to engage with students who want to reimagine our future and contribute to our goal of making opportunity universal and sustainable.
Nov 20 2023
Spoken Word Artist and Master Composter Marvin Hayes
Spoken word artist and master composter Marvin Hayes, Director of the Baltimore Compost Collective, performs one of his pieces of work around the importance of composting and environmental justice.
Nov 20 2023
Food Rescue Work in Baltimore
Matt Burke, Founder and Executive Director of Food Rescue Baltimore, talks about the environmental impacts of food waste and why food rescue work is important.
Oct 16 2023
Frontline Voices on Climate Change
Listen to voices from the Building Bridges convening, discussing climate change impacts and the importance of engaging communities in climate resilience and adaptation.