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Dec 27 2019
Child marriage is #Solvable
Child marriage is #Solvable. Princess Mabel van Oranje of the Netherlands outlines how we can share a percentage of what we spend on weddings to help end the crisis of …
Dec 27 2019
Financial inclusion for all is #Solvable
Financial inclusion for all is #Solvable. Andy Kuper describes how to get economic tools into the hands of the 1.7 billion people who are left out of the financial system …
Dec 27 2019
Racial division is #Solvable
Racial division is #Solvable. Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu shares a vision of racial understanding driven by a formal reconciliation process never before attempted in the United States. Mitch Landrieu …
Dec 27 2019
The opportunity gap for women in Africa is #Solvable
The opportunity gap for women in Africa is #Solvable. Hafsat Abiola-Costello describes how connecting women entrepreneurs in Africa together creates economic growth and gender equity on the continent. Hafsat Abiola-Costello is the …
Dec 24 2019
Awarding land rights for women is #Solvable
Awarding land rights to women is #Solvable. Gina Alvarado explains how legal reforms and challenging gender norms can help to change existing laws and enable women to have land rights. Gina …
Dec 13 2019
Access to data and AI for social impact is #Solvable
Access to data and AI for social impact is #Solvable. Jake Porway describes how connecting those with technological skills to those working on social problems can leverage technology and data …
Dec 13 2019
Hatred is #Solvable
Hatred is #Solvable. Kerry Kennedy explains how human rights education and strong leadership can address hatred of all types. Kerry Kennedy is the President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, which …
Dec 12 2019
Ending Energy Poverty in India
Poverty and energy poverty go hand in hand. Our president, Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, met with community members who show how energy empowers. We are thrilled to work together with …