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Aug 21 2019
Childhood malnutrition is #Solvable
Childhood malnutrition is #Solvable. Bill Gates describes how a greater understanding of the microbiome can enhance existing tools and resources to combat childhood malnutrition and improve child development. Bill Gates is …
Aug 14 2019
Access to clean energy is #Solvable
Access to clean energy is #Solvable. Jules Kortenhorst argues that we can reframe the lack of access to power in the developing world as an opportunity to skip the usual …
Aug 06 2019
Post-conflict trauma is #Solvable
Post-conflict trauma is #Solvable. Victor Ochen explains how we can facilitate the healing process for victims of terror and conflict by treating both physical and emotional wounds and embracing leadership …
Jul 31 2019
Gender inequality in STEM is #Solvable
Gender equality in STEM fields is #Solvable. By providing women with job opportunities in fast-growing fields and empowering young girls, Deborah Berebichez argues that we can address the gender gap …
Jul 17 2019
Access to mental health care for all is #Solvable
Availability of mental health care is #Solvable. Dixon Chibanda explains how training local health workers to identify, advise, and treat mental health conditions can help provide adequate psychiatric care to …
Jul 17 2019
Neglected Tropical Diseases are #Solvable
Neglected Tropical Diseases are #Solvable. Ellen Agler explains how to end the suffering caused by the five Neglected Tropical Diseases affecting 1.5 billion people around the world. Learn more about how …
Jul 15 2019
Power in Hand: A 360 Experience
Our VR film brings you inside rural Indian villages to experience what can be achieved when farmers, entrepreneurs, shop owners, tailors and families have access to reliable energy.