Previous Editions

Edition 20

Pioneering Pathways in Climate Finance

This edition of Matter of Impact spotlights innovative financial strategies driving a resilient, equitable shift toward sustainable energy worldwide.
Edition 19

The Magic of Convenings

This quarter's Matter of Impact dives deep into why convenings matter, and why we need to make time for them to achieve impact.
Edition 18

From the Andes to the Amazon, Latin America’s Climate Frontlines

This quarter's online magazine spotlights Latin America, where innovators and local communities are spearheading the climate change fight.
Edition 17

Sheroes of Sustainability at the Forefront of Climate Action

The quarter's online magazine centers on women across the globe making headway in the climate crisis fight.
Edition 16

Climate Wisdom from the Frontlines

From the Amazon rainforest, to bustling Bangkok streets, to a Baltimore composter creating “black gold," dive into this quarter's Matter of Impact focused on youth changemakers and impacted communities.
Edition 15

Unleashing Climate Innovation Through Powerful Partnerships

We turn to potent collaborations to think outside the box and drive change in this era of climate decision.
Edition 14

Achieving Lasting Impact

Every day, The Rockefeller Foundation, grantees, and partners make the world measurably and sustainably healthier, more nourished, and empowered. See how.
Edition 13

Joining the Fight to Combat Crises

From searching for lost children in Ukraine or supporting civil society in Iran, see how our grantees respond to a range of crises and support vulnerable communities in urgent need.
Edition 12

Together We Are Fighting Climate Change

Hope is focused on the Red Sea town of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. As world leaders gather for the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), one thing is clear: we must come together to achieve meaningful progress in the fight against climate change so that the …
Edition 11

Stubbornly Optimistic About Progress

Why are we optimistic? Because our grantees are rethinking school lunches, building trust with wastewater projects, supporting employee ownership, and more.
Edition 10

The Urgency of Equity

Bringing justice to a neighborhood or a nation lifts all. Read how our partners and grantees are making opportunity universal and sustainable.
Edition 9

Accelerating Transformation for a Gender-Equal Future

In this edition of Matter of Impact, we celebrate Women's History Month by highlighting the transformative work of women leaders in fields like renewable energy, data science, and agriculture, and exploring how The Rockefeller Foundation and its partners are advancing gender equity through innovative projects and economic opportunities for women worldwide.
Edition 8

Preventing Future Pandemics: Health For All, Now More Than Ever

The Covid-19 pandemic underscored deep healthcare inequities, reinforcing The Rockefeller Foundation’s commitment to Universal Health Coverage through data-driven solutions, global collaboration, and investments in accessible, quality care for all.
Edition 7

The Road to Glasgow and the Imperative for a Green Energy Transition

In this quarter’s Matter of Impact, we explore the intersection of pandemic recovery, climate change, and equity, highlighting the urgent need for a green energy transition that can create millions of jobs and transform lives, as previewed in the lead-up to COP26.
Edition 6

Can Technology Be Optimized for Equity and Opportunity?

This quarter’s Matter of Impact examines how leveraging data and technology, traditionally used for private gain, can instead drive social good by empowering women, improving vaccine distribution, addressing energy access, and preventing future pandemics.
Edition 5

Making Opportunity Universal

The Q1/2021 Matter of Impact focuses on The Rockefeller Foundation’s commitment to making individual opportunity universal, highlighting transformative solutions like global vaccine funding, clean electrification in Nigeria, and expanding safety nets and economic opportunities for marginalized communities.
Edition 4

Forget the New Normal: Let’s Head to an Inclusive Future

In this Matter of Impact, we highlight how The Rockefeller Foundation and its grantees are reimagining a more inclusive future by championing worker-owned companies, using food as medicine, and advancing inclusive technology and unbiased A.I. to build a sustainable, just post-Covid recovery.
Edition 3

Powering a Green and Equitable Recovery

In the third edition of Matter of Impact, we focus on The Rockefeller Foundation’s commitment to a green recovery from the pandemic, catalyzing investments in renewable energy to create a more inclusive, sustainable future while addressing the growing disparities in health and energy access.
Edition 2

The Way Forward: Gender Equity by Design

In the second edition of Matter of Impact, we explore the disproportionate economic and social toll Covid-19 has taken on women and girls, highlighting The Rockefeller Foundation's efforts to accelerate gender equity through solidarity, entrepreneurship, and transformative change.
Edition 1

America's Overdue Reckoning with Racial Disparity

The first edition of Matter of Impact examined the deep-rooted racial inequities in the U.S., magnified by the Covid-19 crisis, and highlighted The Rockefeller Foundation’s commitment to advancing equity through philanthropy and systemic change.