Companies use detailed behavioral information every day to direct products and services to individuals. What if this approach were applied to maximize social good instead of private revenue?
This quarter’s Matter of Impact explores how the properly tailored technology can improve and save lives across a wide spectrum. Our staff, grantees and partners discuss how data and technology can empower women, steer Covid-19 vaccines and even emergency cash payments to the most distressed places, nip pandemics in the bud, and improve access and reliability of energy to the hundreds of millions of people who lack steady power. These topics couldn’t be timelier, coming just ahead of the G7/G20 meetings this month, when international leaders will address ways to stop future pandemics and to use technology to assure a sustainable recovery from Covid-19.
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Despite millions of deaths and trillions in economic dislocations, Covid-19 has not been nearly as …

The nightmare scenario is that the coronavirus pandemic never truly ends. Making sure that never comes to pass has become the central focus of a global scientific effort to track the myriad evolutions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In this Q&A, SPI’s Umang Maheshwari dives into the great leaps the organization has made through smarter data management, and the progress SPI has made helping solar power to deliver on the fulness of its promise.

In the United States, when you face an emergency, you dial 911 and an ambulance will be sent to your house to help. What if people living in poverty all over the world could dial a number to have cash delivered to them in a crisis?

The rate of daily vaccinations continues to increase throughout the United States, but communities are …

When people look for help from safety net programs, they are often at a low …

Ending energy poverty means ending poverty globally. Nearly 1 billion people are deprived of electricity and …
- Report
Interlinkages Between Multidimensional Poverty and Electricity: A Study Using the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index
Nearly a billion people living in developing countries still lack access to electricity, which is essential to power modern economies, healthcare and education. More than half of those without power today are children under 18, undermining their opportunity to ready, study or play after sunset. In a quarter of the subnational regions covered by the […]Download PDF
Explore Our Commitments
Our work is focused on improving access to electricity, food, healthcare and economic opportunity. We do that through creative partnerships and innovative investments to extract more value from data and private capital.
- Food Advancing a more nourishing, regenerative and equitable food system
- Power We accelerate access to and consumption of reliable, renewable electricity in underserved, low-income communities worldwide, empowering hundreds of millions of people while building the climate-smart energy system of the future
- Health Addressing the global health emergency of climate change
- U.S. Economic Opportunity Our vision is that every working person in America should be able to meet the basic needs of their families – and have a path to a better future
- Emerging Frontiers We aim to accelerate the impact of our programmatic work through impact investing, data science, technology, and innovation to the greatest inequities in the world.