As the world moves toward containing Covid-19, we face a tangle of problems. How do we together recover from the pandemic-triggered financial crisis while tackling the menace of climate change and simultaneously putting equity first to close the growing and dangerous gap between wealthy and poor nations and peoples?
In this quarter’s Matter of Impact, we dive deeply into these questions while previewing some of the dialogs that will be part of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow from Oct. 31-Nov. 12. Cost was once a central argument against transitioning to green energy from fossil fuels. But as our Foundation President Raj Shah notes this is no longer true. In most parts of the world, renewable energy is now cheaper than the alternative, and the transition can create 25 million new energy jobs and half a billion new jobs in other sectors. Young global leaders at the forefront of the clean energy movement, speaking compellingly on our latest RF Breakthrough, make it clear: this is the moment for creating innovative investments and powerful partnerships. Together, we must spur the green energy transition—for the sake of dairy farmers in Nigeria, fishermen in Uganda, smallholder farmers in Ethiopia, and underserved communities from Louisiana to rural India. The turn toward affordable renewable energy has the power to create jobs, transform lives, and make opportunity universal.
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As the world prepares for the United Nations Climate Change Conference next month in Glasgow, …

Conferences never used to be the sort of subject that people used to talk about. …

It’s no secret that our planet is in crisis. Each UN Climate Change Conference (COP) …

Nigeria has Africa’s 5th largest cattle herd, yet the country imports most of the milk …

Uganda has the 7th highest inland fishery production in the world: the sector supports the …

Agriculture accounts for 40% of Ethiopia’s GDP, employing about three-quarters of the country's workforce. Three …

After more than eighteen months of webinars and "work from home" (WFH) during the pandemic, …

On the western edge of Bastrop, Louisiana., just across the road from Delta Community College, …

Ending energy poverty doesn’t have to mean adding to the climate crisis. As the generation that …
- Report
Transforming a Billion Lives: The Job Creation Potential from a Green Power Transition in the Energy Poor World
In “Transforming a Billion Lives: The Job Creation Potential From a Green Power Transition in the Energy-Poor World”, we estimate the job creation that would flow through tapping into the enormous growth potential of clean and distributed energies to end energy poverty to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 by 2030.Download PDF
Explore Our Commitments
- Health Addressing the global health emergency of climate change
- Power We accelerate access to and consumption of reliable, renewable electricity in underserved, low-income communities worldwide, empowering hundreds of millions of people while building the climate-smart energy system of the future
- U.S. Economic Opportunity Our vision is that every working person in America should be able to meet the basic needs of their families – and have a path to a better future
- Food Advancing a more nourishing, regenerative and equitable food system
- Emerging Frontiers We aim to accelerate the impact of our programmatic work through impact investing, data science, technology, and innovation to the greatest inequities in the world.