Ending energy poverty doesn’t have to mean adding to the climate crisis. As the generation that will live with the consequences of climate inaction, young people have been at forefront of …
In “Transforming a Billion Lives: The Job Creation Potential From a Green Power Transition in the Energy-Poor World”, we estimate the job creation that would flow through tapping into the enormous growth potential of clean and distributed energies to end energy poverty to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 by 2030.
The Rockefeller Foundation study finds that investing in distributed renewable energy systems creates 30 times more jobs and saves 4 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuel …
India has made significant strides in achieving widespread electrification, connecting more than 750 million people over the last two decades. However, the electric power consumed per capita in India is 75% less …
September 2, 2021 | OMC announces that it has secured new funding from its strategic partner Mitsui & Co., Ltd, Japan to boost its financial resources for investment in renewable …
NEW YORK | September 1, 2021 — Today, a first-of-its-kind relief fund launched with a first close of $68 million and a target of over $80 million to protect energy …
The Covid-19 Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF) is an alliance of 16 governments, foundations, and investors, providing emergency capital to off-grid energy providers in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia in order …
Kampala, Monday, June 28th, 2021 -Today, a coalition of global energy sector leaders launched a first-of-its-kind integrated energy pilot in Uganda. Led by Uganda’s largest power utility, Umeme, coordinated by …
From our very first grant—to the American Red Cross more than a century ago—through to today’s vast array of initiatives, The Rockefeller Foundation has built a reputation as a trailblazer …
Single largest distributed renewable energy initiative aims to reduce 1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions and improve 1 billion lives by: Kick-starting post-pandemic economic recovery
Enabling …