Leveraging high-integrity carbon credits to accelerate the early retirement and replacement of coal-fired power plants with clean energy while supporting impacted workers and communities
3.8 billion people lack adequate access to electricity, limiting their opportunities. Closing the 8,700 terawatt-hour Green Power Gap by 2050 is essential to achieving global development and climate goals.
This report chronicles The Rockefeller Foundation’s journey in 2023 to reimagine our work and learn from past successes and shortcomings, all with the goal of improving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable and underserved populations.
Big BetsClimateEnergyFinanceFoodFood Is MedicineHealthInnovative FinancePhilanthropyPowerSustainable DevelopmentTechnology and InnovationU.S. Economic OpportunityGlobal
Good news is on the way for Kewinal, Bolivia, high in the Andes Mountains, whose residents have been pleading for electricity to support schools, health care, and livelihoods.