in support of the New Mexico Worker Organizing Collaborative, an effort promoting state-wide education to inform economic opportunity, tax reform, and fair budget allocation initiatives
for use by its Groundwork Collaborative project, toward the costs of communications efforts, research and convenings geared toward transforming the public understanding of the U.S. economy to help to create an inclusive economy that values and invests in workers
toward the costs of a campaign to empower low-wage workers to inform state and federal policy decisions in order to build a more equitable tax system and improve the lives of low-wage workers.
for use by its Florida For All Education Fund, toward the costs of advancing public understanding about taxation and budget issues in Florida in an effort to improve the lives of working families
for use by its Department of Urban Studies and Planning in support of expanding the MIT Living Wage Tool, a calculator that provides regional cost-of-living estimates, to help boost wages and improve the standard of living of workers in the U.S.
toward the costs of launching a fund designed to invest in marginalized entrepreneurs, especially BIPOC- and women-owned small businesses, to drive equitable job growth and wealth creation in Atlanta, GA
toward the costs of a campaign to increase awareness of the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit among Black Americans, and to promote the permanent expansion of these tax credits