
Awarded Nov 20-2017
for use by its Center for Hazards Assessment, Response & Technology toward the costs of leading global conversations and research to enhance the collective understanding of how to plan for and adapt to climate change and sea level rise
    Awarded Sep 01-2017
    Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation 2017
    in support of informing policy outcomes and policy, regulatory and utility planning solutions to energy access in rural India, ultimately increasing the availability of public funding for rural decentralized renewable energy power plants and other energy efficient technologies
      Awarded Sep 05-2017
      Energy 4 Impact 2017
      in support of implementing appliance financing and tariff buy-down prototypes for mini-grid developers in Kenya and Tanzania and creating a facility to manage and monitor the impact of this work on the lives of poor and vulnerable people
        Awarded Jul 07-2017
        Shack/Slum Dwellers International 2017
        in support of strengthening its “Know Your City” data platform with the aim of making it the premier source of community-gathered information on informal settlements for resilience city planning in Africa, and a key platform partner for relevant cities in the 100 Resilient Cities network
          Awarded Dec 12-2016
          Accenture LLP 2016
          for use by its Accenture Development Partnerships in support of informing the Global Resilience Partnership’s transition to a new operating model
            Awarded Dec 13-2016
            World Bank 2016
            for use by its Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) in support of a project to utilize a new framework for conducting surveys to measure the level and quality of current energy provision for productive use in two Indian states (Bihar and Uttar Pradesh) and Kenya and to publish the findings
              Awarded Nov 14-2016
              Business for Social Responsibility 2016
              in support of enabling the Global Resilience Partnership Asia to enhance its business integration actions and strategies in order to influence corporate investment in climate resilience actions and initiatives throughout the Southeast Asia region
                Awarded Nov 14-2016
                Family Health International 2016
                in support of a project to identify and engage high-potential innovators in digital technology with a focus on resilience outcomes in Asia
                  Awarded Nov 29-2016
                  in support of producing, curating, and publishing a wide range of multimedia resilience content and resources for "Zilient," an online publishing and knowledge-sharing platform for resilience
                    Awarded Oct 26-2016
                    TCC Group 2016
                    in support of refining the Global Resilience Partnership’s Learning Agenda and designing a related partner convening to enable horizon scanning for high-potential partnership opportunities