
Awarded Jul 29-2016
Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation 2016
in support of scaling up organizational capacity to support the launch of 300 new decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide continued accelerated energy access to rural homes and local businesses.
    Awarded Apr 04-2016
    in support of developing a strategy and implementation plan to catalyze the transition to more inclusive and resilient water management systems globally
      Awarded Feb 25-2016
      in support of conducting a study of the political economy of water governance and water management as it relates to the potential for reform and the establishment of water markets
        Awarded Nov 20-2015
        toward the costs of activities designed to develop a market for responsible seafood by scaling fair trade principles to other seafood commodities
          Awarded Dec 02-2015
          in support of activities designed to transition the Asian blue swimming crab fisheries toward sustainable, responsible production by scaling the Fisheries Improvement Project model for benefitting small-scale fisheries in Indonesia and globally
            Awarded Nov 20-2015
            Center for Global Development 2015
            toward the costs of a project to conduct a non-partisan analysis, propose policy reforms and convene leaders, policymakers, investors, researchers, and other actors to boost energy generation and access in Sub-Saharan Africa
              Awarded Nov 16-2015
              Nature Conservancy 2015
              in support of developing the Community Water Trust concept for the benefit of freshwater ecosystems and river-dependent communities in Texas and Chile
                Awarded Dec 08-2015
                The Virgin Foundation 2015
                toward the costs of launching the Universal Access to Renewable Energy initiative in Rwanda and Kenya to work with a range of partners to scale decentralized renewable energy solutions to accelerate energy access.
                  Awarded Nov 30-2015
                  World Resources Institute 2015
                  in support of developing a sustainable and equitable approach to a water rights allocation and trading scheme in order to reduce freshwater competition among agricultural, municipal, industrial and energy users in Ningxia, China
                    Awarded Dec 08-2015
                    toward the costs of establishing a global network of southern NGOs working on humanitarian response, recovery and resilience building