
Awarded Jun 30-2015
Asia Foundation 2015
in support of a project to adapt, test and apply the Rockefeller Foundation-Arup City Resilience Framework and Index in 25 cities in Vietnam, for eventual application across additional cities nationally and globally
    Awarded Sep 15-2015
    for use by its Water Funder Initiative toward the costs of developing four to five priority initiatives that are part of a broader solution set for water crises impacting communities and freshwater ecosystems across the U.S. West
      Awarded Oct 06-2015
      Duke University 2015
      for use by its Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions toward the costs of developing a policy blueprint outlining the series of sequential reforms needed to transition two water basins in central Nevada to a water rights system designed to resolve competition for fresh water
        Awarded Jul 01-2015
        toward the costs of establishing a new hybrid social enterprise to continue the development and deployment of the Resilience Exchange platform
          Awarded Jul 01-2015
          in general support of establishing a new hybrid social enterprise to continue the development and deployment of the Resilience Exchange platform.
            Awarded Jun 11-2015
            for use by its Institute for Globally Transformative Technologies at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in support of identifying high-potential technology innovations for reducing the cost of solar electricity, and developing affordable energy-efficient appliances
              Awarded Jul 01-2015
              Dalberg Consulting – U.S., LLC 2015
              for use by its Design Impact Group in support of research and rapid prototyping of innovative livelihood interventions that address human behavioral incentives driving overfishing in Chile and Indonesia
                Awarded Jul 20-2015
                Elevate Consulting & Communications, LLC 2015
                in support of establishing the Northeast Infrastructure Accelerator and designing an infrastructure investment model for states and regions to understand the savings associated with adopting a resilient water infrastructure
                  Awarded Jul 17-2015
                  HR&A Advisors, Inc. 2015
                  in support of developing a curriculum and providing technical assistance to build the capacity of eligible applicants to develop resilience projects and programs as part of the National Disaster Resilience Competition
                    Awarded May 04-2015
                    Georgetown University 2015
                    for use by its Georgetown Climate Center in support of legal and policy assistance for the National Disaster Resilience Competition based in part on lessons learned from Rebuild by Design