
Awarded Apr 06-2015
Nature Conservancy 2015
in support of developing a mechanism to enable the reallocation of water rights for the benefit of freshwater ecosystems and river-dependent communities in the Americas
    Awarded Apr 07-2015
    toward the costs of developing a water use budget and allocation mechanism that informs recommendations on how to guide equitable resource allocations of freshwater across multiple sectors of demand, especially poor or vulnerable populations in California
      Awarded Apr 06-2015
      in support of developing a business model for a mechanism to foster investment in watershed services, in order to reduce competition for freshwater and benefit local people and landscapes in Africa
        Awarded Apr 06-2015
        in support of developing a mechanism that leverages supply chain demand for more efficient freshwater allocation, use and transfer across multiple sectors and users, especially poor or vulnerable populations in Mexico and the United States
          Awarded Apr 07-2015
          World Resources Institute 2015
          in support of developing a sustainable and equitable approach to a water rights allocation and trading scheme in order to reduce freshwater competition among agricultural, municipal, industrial and energy users in China
            Awarded May 12-2015
            toward the costs of a project to determine the viability of a new Fisheries Improvement Project model for benefitting small-scale fisheries in Indonesia and globally
              Awarded Mar 11-2015
              in support of research to map donor activity in the Clean Energy Mini-Grid Sector in order to facilitate the transparency and coordination of its development
                Awarded Mar 12-2015
                University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2015
                in support of conducting research and analysis of incentive-based water allocation mechanisms designed to provide water for poor or vulnerable people
                  Awarded Mar 09-2015
                  in support of developing strategies for alleviating multi-sector competition for fresh water in order to secure water for ecosystems and for the poor and vulnerable people who depend on clean reliable flows of fresh water
                    Awarded May 01-2015
                    in support of developing tools that will assist projects working toward global resilience solutions to deliver and measure positive impacts for people in communities affected by acute shocks and chronic stresses