
Aug 30 2018
My Wish for the Agriculture Sector in Africa
Next week, I and a few colleagues will attend the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) in Kigali, Rwanda. AGRF is an opportunity to reexamine and reflect on Africa’s agriculture sector …
Aug 27 2018
This is Our Story
How do you tell the story of post-harvest food loss in Africa in a way that connects with people? To help answer that question, we chose to work with Africa 24 …
Jul 17 2018
Eating More of What We Grow
Although food production worldwide has increased dramatically over the past 50 years, today, some 2 billion people still suffer from hunger, micronutrient deficiencies, and increasingly, obesity. According to the World …
May 01 2018
What Mangoes in Kenya Can Teach Us About Food Loss
Today, 40 percent of all food produced is never eaten, which is the equivalent of throwing nearly $1 trillion right in the trash—lost labor, water, energy, profits to small farmers, …
Reducing food loss and food waste
Food Africa