
Oct 30 2014
For Smallholder Farmers, Food Loss Hits Twice As Hard
  In developing countries, 90 percent of wastage is from food loss within the value chain. It directly impacts poor producers through foregone income and impacts poor consumers through reduced food …
Oct 23 2014
Insights: 2014 Issue No. 1
Over the course of the last year, our team, alongside our grant partners, have deeply explored 11 of these emerging trends to learn more about their root causes, the opportunities for riding the …
Climate Food U.S. Economic Opportunity
May 07 2014
Using Twitter to Surface Food Security Solutions
Leveraging social media and digital technology to hear from a wide array of voices is part of The Rockefeller Foundation’s approach to enriching its understanding of the dynamic challenges facing …
Apr 07 2014
New Innovations to Reduce Harvest Loss in Africa
Approximately one-third of food grown across the world never reaches the plates of consumers. The significant amount of food waste and spoilage occurring across the value chain threatens farmers’ livelihoods; …
Feb 25 2014
Voices of Africa: Human Capital & Development
At the launch of The Rockefeller Foundation publication Shared Journey: The Rockefeller Foundation, Human Capital and Development in Africa, Rockefeller staff, partners and grantees came together to celebrate a lasting …