
Jan 13 2021
India Partners’ Meet 2020
The Rockefeller Foundation organized its first-ever partners' meeting for all their India partners from the 2nd to the 5th of November 2020. India, given its unique development landscape and potential …
Nov 18 2020
Smart Power India: Demand Generation Handbook
India has made phenomenal strides in achieving universal electrification, and with the government's persistent efforts, all villages in India have been electrified and today, almost 100% households have received electricity …
Power Asia
Oct 28 2020
Sowing the Seeds for a Better Food Future in Asia
Covid-19 has reminded humanity of the critical importance of a strong and functioning food system. With a quarter of a billion people facing acute hunger by the end of the year, …
Oct 26 2020
Consumption Trends | Smart Power Myanmar
Rural energy consumption in Myanmar remains largely unknown and challenging to predict, posing a significant problem for mini-grid developers. Equipped with a deeper understanding of historic and likely future energy …
Power Asia