
Jun 30 2021
Reinforcing the Value of Covid-19 Testing Webinar
In this session originally held on June 16, 2021, Hattaway Communications, which conducted a nationally representative study on behalf of The Rockefeller Foundation’s State and Territory Alliance for Testing (STAT), …
Jun 30 2021
Reinforcing the Value of Covid-19 Testing: Message Brief
As public attention has turned to vaccines, it is more important than ever that we reinforce the importance of widespread testing to stop new outbreaks before they start. We are launching a Message Brief on Reinforcing the Value of Covid-19 Testing to explore the motivations behind Americans getting tested even as vaccinations rates rise. Insights are informed by a nationally-representative study conducted by Hattaway Communications to identify how vaccination status may or may not affect attitudes about testing.
Health U.S. and the Americas
Jun 17 2021
What does equity mean to you?
Former Senior Vice President of the Economic Equity Initiative Otis Rolley shares his take on what equity means to him.