NEW YORK | March 17, 2021 – The Rockefeller Foundation applauds the Biden Administration’s commitment to safely and sustainably reopening America’s schools by allocating $10 billion from the American Rescue …
A spirited conversation about how to reconsider the tax system, along with government revenue and budgeting, to transform communities in the U.S. in service of greater equity.
As vaccination efforts slowly ramp up across the U.S. and more states and communities start to reopen, testing remains a critical proactive strategy to controlling local outbreaks, monitoring for variants, …
New PSAs featuring former Presidents and former First Ladies encourage Americans to get the facts and learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines NEW YORK, March 11, 2021 – The Ad …
Long-term school closures are a particularly devastating consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Students could lose between 5 to 9 months of learning by the end of the school year, with …
NEW YORK | March 8, 2021 – The United States is currently conducting sequence-based surveillance for fewer than one percent of coronavirus cases, a rate that is lagging far behind …
Our report lays out a new plan for the urgent amplification of national genomic surveillance efforts and outlines a six-part strategy to enable rapid detection and control of emerging SARS-CoV-2 …
Texas, facing record-low temperatures this February, lost control of the power supply, leaving millions without access to electricity. But the crisis was not equally felt, exposing inequities in the energy …
When people look for help from safety net programs, they are often at a low point. That the process for receiving legally mandated aid should so often be bewildering and, …