
Daniela Orofino

Executive Director, Amazonia de Pe’

Big Bet: Legally turn 57 million hectares of Brazil’s undesignated public lands into indigenous territories, national parks and conservation units.

Project: This project, originally incubated within the Brazilian non-profit NOSSAS, evolved into an unprecedented coalition of over 300 organizations for the protection of the Amazon rainforest and its peoples. As it transitions into an independent entity, its mission remains focused on addressing Brazil’s critical issue of Amazon deforestation. Through grassroot mobilization and civic engagement, the project aims to legally convert 57 million hectares of Brazil’s unallocated public lands into indigenous territories and conservation units to combat rampant deforestation.

Daniela is a sociologist from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) with an executive degree on Leadership and Organizing by the Harvard Kennedy School and a Master of Information Science from IBICT / UFRJ. She a professional with 10 years of work in campaigning, advocacy, grassroots organizing, legislative advisory and team management. She dedicates herself to thinking about political organization through new technologies and grassroots strategies.

She is currently the Director at Amazonia de Pé, a Brazilian grassroots movement for the protection of the Amazon and its peoples, with more than 20 thousand activists and 300 partners.